I have a been collecting United Stated postage stamps for many a year – I am
a Life Member of American Philatelic Society. A few years ago, I decided to
enter the collection on a computer database. An acquaintance suggested
that take a look at EZ Stamps, which has an outstanding Tech Support
program. I subsequently purchased the software. I have been using EZ
Stamp for 2 years. There were a few glitches while inputting the data. Tech
Support was very helpful in explaining how the software operates. All the
problems were resolved to my satisfaction. One feature of the software I
really like are the reports formatting capacities. I can print reports in the
format tailored for my needs. EWB

Elvin B, USA

EZStamp is a great program for your stamp inventory.
I have used it for a number of years.
I tried a competitor as it was cheaper, but entering data took many more steps.
So I have continued to use EZStamp.
Support is fantastic and almost always within a couple of hours or even minutes.
This is a 5 Star program

J. Siscel, USA

I find EZstamp easy to use. Even as a senior it doesn’t give me any problems and if I run into a problem and send you a note it doesn’t take long to get help from your office and back on track.
I love the upgrades on the 2024 program. The search tool is amazing!

Thanks again for you assistance and I recommend this data base to any stamp collector.
If seniors like us (80+) can catch on imagine what other collectors could do.

Have a great afternoon!

Marg Epp

Marg Epp, ON, Canada

At first I was put off by the cost, but the productivity gains are so incredibly huge that it has saved us MANY times in labor what the program cost. The learning curve is “medium”, but if you do take the time to learn to use the features — especially for bulk processing — it is massively helpful. In over a year (or maybe two?) of constant use processing tens of thousands of images, I have yet to find any bugs or problems. Jay Smith,    Scandinavia specialist dealer

Jay Smith, USA

I’m sure you hear this a lot – the program is a blessing for those is our situation! My mother in law does not want to sell without knowing an estimated value. Your program provides not only a great product with excellent information, but a true sense of peace. Many thanks from the entire family!!


Nichole S., Australia, 2024

Just wanted to let you know that since I bought the update to your database last year, I have begun entering my entire collection. This will likely take a year or so but I am a database guy so it calms me.

Your database completeness has amazed me from the version that I had originally. This is truly a great effort and result. I have worked with some major, large databases and this is right up there in performance and ease of use. So I’m several hundred thousand into this and many more to go and I don’t know what practical value this will have but it makes me feel good.

Keep up the good work,


John J., USA 2024

I have been using & loving EzStamp software for many years…initially for my USA collection…then adding the global version a few years back, (since its pricing offered such a value).

Recently I purchased & received updates to 2 countries, following the download & upload instructions provided. One of the countries did not load properly (probably my [now 75] error).
I contacted EzStamp Support for assistance. Marios called me personally, spending more than 30 minutes, assuring that both updates were complete & properly uploaded.
It is so impressive to see the owner of the company taking so much of his time to assist one customer. Marios, thanks again. – Dan R.

Dan R., RI, USA

In 2024 (installing the 2024 world update) on a 2021 windows 11 computer, had problems entirely of my own doing which hindered progress to completion. Saddled with poor vision and poor hearing, the usual print/video assists were difficult to make use of. With a call to CEO Marios, my technical issues were quickly resolved. The quantity, quality, and timeliness of his help were of the highest order…and very much appreciated. These folks are absolutely terrific!

John Moffatt, Canada

Marios, that is exactly what I wanted/needed. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever find anything you have not provided for.l I doubt it.

The capability provided by EzStamp with WFID coupled with my computer configuration makes an effective combination. I have a lighthouse USB microscope to examine my stamp. Using it full screen on my left monitor with the WFID screen on the right monitor allowed me to identify my stamp as Scott 540 which is what I suspected but always had a bit of doubt.

My biggest remaining challenge in the inventorying of my collection is to determine issues differing only by watermarks. I have a large number of early Bavarian stamps in that category. I am unable to see the watermarks on many using either the watermark fluid method or the Leuchturm Sherlock detector.

Thank you for your superb customer service but also for providing computer software that is excellent by any standard. I wish you well.

Richard W., USA

I would like to thank everyone involved at Soft/PRO / Ezstamp.
I purchased the stamp software and could not believe the excellent customer service I received, Marios went well beyond the expectations and due diligence. I can’t thank you enough for helping through the installation process.
Companies with customer service like this are far and few between, please keep up the good work. BTW the stamp software is amazing.

Thanks Again
Randy Clark

Randy Clark, BC, Canada

After years of using photoshop for all our image postings, investing in Softpro products [EzImage] we have increased our productivity far beyond our expectations. This is a must have software!

Ansonia Philatelic, USA, N.Y.

I have installed EzStamp & SRS on my 2022 M1 chip, MacBook Pro, by running Parallels and Windows 11.
Installation was fairly straightforward (for a Mac guy) and both apps are performing flawlessly.
I am now getting to look under the hood, so to speak, and seeing what each application can do.
I can already see that these are indispensable aids.


M.R., Ont, Canada

I just want to say how pleased I am with all your products! They are just “Top Shelf” in every respect! More importantly, I want to compliment the service you give to us! You are the best in the industry…actually you stand alone!

Thank you so much!


Professional in every way. I cannot believe the difference between Ezstamp and the other offerings out there.
Every database and image looks like it’s been meticulously entered and checked. I do not have to do a thing other than tell the system
what I have and what I paid for it. So simple and an incredible time saver. Everything is done for you. If you want a turnkey solution, this is
the one to get.
I could not be more pleased with my purchase, I have not needed to contact them for support or help, but I know if I need
it, they are there in a moments notice. I have entered more than 187,000 stamps into my inventory so far and a not a single issue.

M. LaLonde, QC, Canada

I just purchased EzStamp. I have been using it for about one week. I have to say this is an outstanding program. It’s well laid out and very user friendly. The amount of information in the program is extensive and the images are fantastic — Great work. I have been collecting stamps since I was about 10 years old. I ‘m 67 now. I do have an extensive collection. At one time I did have my collection on an old stamp program which does not exist anymore. So, I am starting from the beginning and an enjoying this tremendously.

John W., WI, USA

I have been using EzGrader now for a little over a month.  During that time I have applied it to well over 200 US stamps, including some difficult ones with non-rectangular designs.  I have been very happy with my purchase.
I have found EzGrader to be especially helpful when evaluating stamps that I buy online.  On HipStamp and eBay, I use it to evaluate the centering of the same stamp offered by multiple sellers.  Often I am surprised by what I would have selected using the naked eye vs. what EzGrader tells me is the better-centered stamp.  EzGrader has saved me many hundreds of dollars, and led me to choose better quality stamps.


I REALLY enjoy using your software.  I am telling all of the collectors I come in contact with about the entire SoftPro software offerings.  Before I retired I was a data analyst. I am quite familiar with how databases work.  That’s essentially what EzStamp is.  It is so easy to use.  I don’t yet use it to its fullest potential.   I’ve only catalogued a little over six hundred stamps in EzStamp.  I have thousands more to go.  EzStamp makes it so easy.

Your customer service is always top notch and your instructions are concise and easy to follow.  I love your videos.  More please!


Greg R., OH, USA

Well we have now finished entering all stamp data to EzStamp, checked, re-checked and now ready to finalize print format such that we can provide a meaningful report in the front of each album. By way of this email I would personally like to extend my appreciation for the EzStamp program; it is a pleasure to use (once one understands the process), without flaw and the power of the program is still surprising.  Well done to all concerned.

Similarly, EzImage, EzPerf and EzGrade have all been invaluable in assessing stamps for grading, not utilized to the same extent as EzStamp, but all within their own right, extremely powerful and in my opinion a “must have” in conjunction with EzStamp.

B&D Hardman, Australia

As a dedicated worldwide topical collector, I am so happy to have found Ezstamp. Before Ezstamp, I used to spend hours researching and finding stamp to add to my collection for the topical areas I collect. Now, I can easily search the impressive databases in the program and very quickly locate the stamps available and see if I have them or not. I have found thousands of stamps that were not in my collection and were referenced in Ezstamp. The way they have described the stamps is monumental. Some stamps have over a dozen topics to reference them by. Flowers are one of my key areas of interest (I am a novice botanist). I have found stamp not identified anywhere else including online topical lists and lists I have purchased. The tremendous amount of work and effort that went into compiling these lists is very much appreciated by this very happy collector!
I highly recommend this product as I truly believe it is the best and one of the largest stamp databases out there. The support services provided by this company is another impressive feat. I have never encountered such service with any other product I have ever purchased. That alone is worth the price of admission. Kudos to Ezstamp and their staff.

D. Harrison, Grand Rapids, MI, USA

Just would like to tell you I have just cataloged stamp 225,000 in 154 countries. This would not have been possible without your personal help and your software and add-ons. Over many years I have used other products, but nothing comes close to your software ans especially your support.



Dennis Raynoha, USA

I am very happy with the EZStamp program.  You must have had dark circles under your eyes for months – maybe even years – on end while developing this very well thought out and powerful tool for managing one’s stamp collection.  Thank you for doing so


Jerry Young, London, U.K.

Dear Marios,

Well, I must say how truly impressed I am.
I’ve inherited over 250 Albums of stamps from my dad. He has been collecting since 1934 !!
I was about to “dispose” of this giant collection as being unmanageable.
Now, with almost no stamp experience and thanks to your software  I’m working my way through. Finding a few gems and learning a lot about the world.

I am a database developer so I know how many man-years have gone into your programs. Awesome.

Many thanks and best regards

David B., Australia

David B., Australia
I have been a happy customer of Soft Pro’s EZStamp and EZGrader for over a year now. These are excellent products, easy-to-use menus, a wealth of online training tutorials, and fantastic customer support. I just purchased my third Soft Pro product, EzImage, which is further evidence of my great confidence in this suite of products. 5 Stars!”
Chris Joyce, USA

Just want to drop you a message concerning your program AlbumGen.
I was in the sign manufacturing business for many years and in this
business we used a program for designing signs of all types. I began
using it to design my stamp album pages which worked for me long after I
sold the business. But all good things come to and end as it only runs
on Windows 7 systems. I had trouble keeping my old machine running so,
I gave up.

Some time ago I purchased your program but never really used it, I
felt it was not as good as my ridiculous expensive sign program. Oh,
how wrong I was! AlbumGen is really up to the task of designing a
quality page with little effort. Admittedly there are a few things I’d
like it to do, but these options are not totally necessary. I have
preferred stamps, blocks, strips and se-tenant pairs with selvage
attached all of which need special layouts on pages. Also I collect
Mini sheets souvenir sheets and booklets, these too need special pages.
In the last few weeks I’ve completed at least 1-2 hundred pages front
and back for my world collection. I like to say, it’s got everything
you need, nothing you don’t!

Best Regards,

Steve W.

Steve W., USA

I’ve been using EZStamp & EzGrader for many years. I finally accumulated enough stamps to send to PSE to make it worthwhile. With the help of EzGrader to give a baseline grade, out of 50 items sent, only 1 was a grade 80. All the rest were 85/90/95/98 and one Gem 100. The software paid for itself many times over with the added value of graded certificates!

Charles Turner, N.C., USA

I just purchased and am i happy ! This is really cool software (i’m new ) but 15 minutes in and this is the best purchase / investment ,other than my safe, that i’ve made. thanks to whomever, i look forward to hearing more about this

Roan, Andrew, USA


I wanted to provide you some feedback on the AlbumGen software program. I have used this sophisticated software to not only create what a collector would call standard stamp album pages, but also specialized pages. My specialized pages are designed to display, highlight, and explain unique stamp features, such as plate errors, forgeries, and color mis-registration, among other features. In many cases there will be just a single stamp on the page. I will place the stamp on an album page and next to it add an enlarged stamp image with arrows pointing to hard to see unique and defining features. I can then add text to the album page that explains what these special features are in detail. I often also sometimes add text discussing relevant aspects of the stamp, such as why the stamp was created, how many were printed, the name of the printer, and so on. I do this also with AlbumGen to show why a valuable stamp is the real thing, and not an inexpensive forgery. This capability makes looking at the stamp displayed that much more enjoyable and informative. I have used this approach to list and sell a number of unusual stamps in my collection. I recently for sold an $0.80 catalogue value Australian stamp for a stunning $45 based in great part on an AlbumGen page that allowed me to display and highlight the stamp’s unique features. And it was sold from the US to a discerning collector in Australia. AlbumGen has given me the opportunity to appropriately honor stamps in my collection. Thank you for this tremendous software.

Sewall H., USA

Sewall H., USA

Just wanted to let you know that all appears to be working fine.  I got all of my grand kids collections logged under separate files extremely easily.
I am now starting to work on my disaster/collection.
This is a truly awesome product, so far it is doing everything I expected and more.

I was looking back in my emails and found that, I first had a questioned you  about this program in 2017. I was too busy at the time to consider using.
Too bad I did not realize how short the learning cure is, and how much time it could have saved.

I will have no issues recommending your product.

J. Evans, ON, Canada

I have been able to download and install the EzStamp and SRS programs and have identified my first stamp ( in about a 1/2 second ) Wow.

Earle P. , LA, USA
I started to use the AlbumGen and EzStamp 10 years ago and I found it very user’s friendly, powerful and can do the things that commercially available albums cannot do. I decided to upgrade now, and I was not disappointed. EzStamp offers a lot more countries, just as easy to use as 10 years ago and more features. I especially liked the transfer of numbers to the Album Gen. It is a powerful tool and saved me a lot of time. I highly recommend this to any stamp collectors, new and experienced ones. It made collecting stamps more enjoyable and economical. The support staff are very friendly, eager to help and got me started right away. More power to Soft Pro!
Ismael SR
Ismael S.R., WI, USA
 I have spent the better part of the past weekend entering my coins into the [EzCoin USA] database, and as advertised, it is quick and easy!
 I look forward to exploring the advanced options contained within it in due time.
 Thank You for providing such a bulletproof product!!
Craig E., AL, USA

Once again I used EZPERF to find a stamp worth $250…. Love it.

Outstanding product



Frank Kahle, Ottawa, ON, Canada

I have tried other stamp collection software and found them cumbersome with little technical support. Not the case with SoftPro. This package is easy to learn, filled with many features, and the support is beyond expectation.
I had a problem with my database and emailed support to resolve. Instead of emailing me back, I got a call from SoftPro and they linked up with my computer and resolved the issue. I have owned three companies in the service industry and understand excellent service when I see it.
If you are a rank beginner or experienced stamp collector this is the package for you.

Graydon V., USA

A very Big Thank You!
I just want to share how you have saved me an huge amount of time and effort.
My collection is housed in a sixty volume Scott International album set. The pages do not include spaces for Souvenir Sheets. I recently came into possession of a significant number of Russian Souvenir Sheets with no corresponding spaces in my albums. I dislike mounting stamps on just blank pages because it looks very unprofessional. I make every effort to create the appropriate pages when needed.
Using EZStamp along with Album Gen I was able to create pages rapidly and efficiently complete with images and catalogue numbers, saving myself countless hours finding a listing and images for these sheets elsewhere and building the pages by hand. There are in fact hundreds of these Souvenir Sheets so it would have been a very time consuming task.

Your product is amazing and I would recommend it to anyone who is a serious collector.

Ken S., Nova Scotia, Canada


Ken S., Nova Scotia, Canada

I have become wholly reliant on EzGrader. it is a huge benefit to me for my stamp purchases. I now grade every single stamp before i purchase it. Only then can I see the real grade of the stamp and can see if the seller is being honest or realistic with the grade they claim. Not only does it let me find the best stamps, it gives me the ability to document the grading. Outstanding product and great service.

Lars S., Sweden
I LOVE the program {EzStamp}.  Especially when I am bidding on new inventory.  Split screen with bids keeps me aware of the values so not to over bid.  I have thousands of entrees exclusively US.  The ease and use of the program is outstanding.
Bob V., USA

EzStamp Best Stamp Software on the WORLD MARKET. Far superior than any other Stamp Collecting Software. (tried others didn’t even come close)!!! Had some install issues & Tec Support was amazing even remotely accessed to solve issue (was a hardware problem NOT software). So impressed I have bought all other associated software to make one very impressive package. Do yourself a favour don’t mess around for days weeks etc on other software buy the BEST from the start. Support is only an email away.

Danni M., Australia

I have used AlbumGen and EzImage successfully for many years. I have never kept an inventory of my collections, but I now need to do that as I prepare them for sale, so thought I would try EzStamp. I have completed one country (about 2100 entries) and started on a second. EzStamp is very easy to use and makes entering data a snap. The Rapid Multiple Entry feature is especially useful when entering a long run of similar stamps, such as several years of MNH. Also, all major Scott varieties are included eliminating the need for most special entries. This is very useful software and is making the inventory task mush easier.

David Wolfersberger, Ocala, FL

David Wolfersberger, Ocala, FL

You can read some of our recent reviews on Google & on our Facebook page here
Google Reviews of our Products & Services

Facebook Reviews of EzStamp & EzCoin



Facebook Page Reviews

You and your company are always great at communications.
When my original touch screen went out, I bought a new HP Pavilion.
A touch screen is a must for entering…and makes it very EZ!
I have touch  entered and graded over 55,000 different stamps and I am only 60% finished.
I was a little intimidated with this new update, but your down loads and installation are easy to apply.
This update also makes me aware that I have saved everything to your cloud.
I also found out how EZ it is to maneuver individual countries in your cloud.

I was letting my collection sit until I retired and I really didn’t know what I had accumulated.
WONDERFUL and fun way to itemize and organize and appreciate my collection.

Thanks again and again,


Ken R., IL, USA

The blog about how to scan stamps on an album page [ How to Scan Stamps on an Album Page ]was very helpful, and timely. I needed to scan a large number of stamps from Colombia mounted in my album for an article I am preparing. I just scan the page as is, but it really didn’t look good. Then I saw your method, tried it and it worked great. Had a little trouble at times keeping the plastic in place, but the scans are so much better with the black background.


David W., USA

I have been a world-wide topical collector for over 40 years. I saw Ezstamp at a recent show and decided to buy it. I have been able to search the data in Ezstamp to search for my topics and have found hundreds of stamps that I did not even know existed. I have bought some topical catalogs in the past, but they were cumbersome. This program puts them to shame. Ezstamps people have cross indexed the stamps in many ways and I have been able to find stamps easily. Although values are provided in the program, it’s not too important for me. What is important is that the data is complete and that I can record all my stamps and be able to search for what I don’t have or don’t even know about. I cannot say enough good things about this program. Have not had to contact support, but from what i have read, they are quick and efficient at helping out. Thank you for such a wonderful tool.


Wilhelm G., PA, USA

I am 91 years old and needed a program to organise my stamps. I happened onto Ezstamps from a friend and recently purchased. I am not very computer smart and was assured by the company that they would assist me with any aspect of getting it on my computer and helping me to use it. I have never experienced anything like the service provided to me by any company, anywhere. Once I got it going, it was very simple to use and am quite along in getting my collection recorded for my family. The service provided alone is worth the cost of  the program. The level of attention that was obviously put into the program is abundantly clear to me. I cannot thank you enough. A special thank you tot he young lady that helped me during my initial call and inquiry. Highest recommendation to any collector of stamps


William L., Ashland, KY, USA

Exceptional database for coins. I have used 1 other program and was constantly having to add missing coins & fix valuations. With EzCoin I have been incredibly pleased with the completeness of the entries and the valuations. I have entered about 1000 US coins in less than 3 days & have a comprehensive & detailed record of my collection. I have about another 1000 to go & expect to purchase the Canada edition also. The images provided are superb. Support has been fantastic. Usually responses are less than 1 hour. Where else can you get such support? I highly recommend this company & their products.

Jorge A. Rodriguez, CA, USA
I just wanted to thank you for your outstanding support. I have never had such excellent service and support from anyone like EXSTAMP provides ! The personal and rapid response to questions and concerns is really unprecedented. The EZSTAMP program itself is just phenomenal. It covers all the needs of todays philatelist and then some. It provides a ton of features and it is a lot of fun and i am very pleased to have found EZSTAMP.

Richard C., USA

Great program for beginners! I knew absolutely nothing about stamps and I learned so much just by reading the EZstamp guide. I received a huge collection and didn’t even know where to start. Even before I bought the software, the customer service was great. I’ve used the software for over a month now and It’s been amazing!

Ania D. Dyer

By far, the best philatelic application I have ever used!! I have tried everything from excel to access to numerous other inventory apps and none have come close to EzStamp! The addons, such as SRS, Washington-Franklin Identifier and of course Albumgen have just made my stamp collection so much more rewarding. I can go from stamp show to cataloging to mounting a just created album page in hours. Makes inventorying and creating album pages unbelievably easy.

John Impenna, USA

I purchased my Album Gen software five or six years ago for building album pages when I started using the Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Concise Catalogue. As a collector of the Machin Definitive issues I decided to expand my collection by adding the Machin issues that the Scott Catalog doesn’t provide. After researching alternatives for creating album pages I found the advertisement for Album Gen in the Linn’s Stamp News and it was just what I was looking for. What I like most about the use of the Album Gen software is how well the program is put together and how easy it is to use. To me there is nothing more fun then building a template page and proof reading it for possible corrections before sending it to print. As a final reward I end up with a very professional looking album page built to my liking. To any collector who enjoys building their own album pages I highly recommend the Album Gen Software and should you require any technical assistance Marios always provides outstanding support services.

Bradford Langley, USA

I wanted to give you the following feedback on your EZGrader software program.  It has been absolutely fantastic.  This program has allowed me to properly evaluate stamps for purchase and to avoid overpaying and also to negotiate the seller’s price down to appropriate levels.  It has also allowed me to purchase stamps that are much better than the seller has mistakenly represented.  In addition, I grade my stamps from my collection when I sell any of them.  This allows me to precisely state their grade and demand appropriate prices.  In many cases my stamps have turned out to be Jumbo’s with +20% of the stamp in the margins.  I am then able to ask for and realize premium selling prices.  Recently I sold a Jumbo in a bidding war for 5 times the listed catalogue price!  I was absolutely amazed and certainly pleased.  I always highly tout any stamp that is a Jumbo or Extra Fine (or both) and get great response from buyers.

I also use EZGrader with  Stamp Compare software (SRS).  With Stamp Compare I have been able to identify very difficult to see stamp errors and misprints.  Then I can increase my selling prices even further to reflect the unusual nature of the stamp

S. Hodges, USA

As you may know, the Scott numbers for Canada’s postage due stamps are a dog’s breakfast, and my album got them wrong. I used AlbumGen for the first time to make new pages, and the program was a delight. After watching your YouTube clips, it was a breeze to create the pages. They look professionally done. Congratulations on a great product.

David Streiner , Canada

WOW! What a great piece of software. I have been selling on eBay for over one year now and the most tedious part of the selling process has been the imaging process. A friend recently recommended Ezimage, but I was initially skeptical. I have Adobe Elements and am ok using it. But Ezimage really shines when it comes to image processing. The fact that I can scan a whole page of stamps and it separates them into individual images is a real time saver. The auto crop and auto rotate is flawless. The amount of time this software has saved me is immense. The couple of times I needed help, the response was a mind-boggling 3 minutes. Friendly, professional and very knowlegeable staff. The second time I needed help, I was not sure how to do something (too lazy to read the manual) and to my surprise I go t a phone call from them to explain how to do what I wanted. Person I spoke to said it would be easier to show me rather than try and email instructions. I know of no other company that offers this kind of service. My eBay sales have increased since I purchased ezimage. The quality of images are exceptional. Now I can focus on selling rather than wasting hours preparing images. What used to take me about 3-5 minutes per stamp, now takes me about 15 seconds including the scanning. Thank you Ezimage

J. Sorensen, Norway

I can’t live without my EZPerf! Thank You. Thank You !

P. Kline, USA

I bought my first EzStamp version in May 2011 and I was very excited to have discovered a stamp management system so well designed and user friendly. Seven years later, (today is October 11, 2018) I am still that excited. It is evident that the software was designed by someone who knew what collecting stamps meant. Combined with EzImage, EzPerf and EzGrader, it provides me with all I need to identify and record a stamp. I can scan a stamp and add its image if it is not yet in the system (then I email it to Marios), I can confirm the proper perforation with EzPerf and its quality (VG, F, VF or XF) with EzGrader. Various versions of a stamp with Watermarks are identified, however I still have to use the old method of watermark fluid to physically identify them (electronic systems that I have tried did not convince me yet), (maybe Marios will find a way to solve the problem, one day?).  EzStamp is so flexible that it will be difficult to give justice to its many features. Needless to say that more you use it, more you discover.

J’ai acheté ma première version d’ “EZStamp” en mai 2011. J’étais vraiment excité d’avoir découvert un logiciel de gestion si bien développé et facile d’utilisation. Cela fait sept ans maintenant (nous sommes le 11 octobre 2018) et je suis toujours aussi excité. C’est évident que ce logiciel fut développé par quelqu’un qui s’y sait comment gérer une collection de timbres.  Si je jumèle « EzStamp » à « EzImage », « EzPerf » et « EZGrader », j’ai tout ce qu’il faut pour bien identifier et enregistrer un timbre. Avec « EzImage », je peux scanner un timbre, ou une enveloppe premier plis et ajouter son image si elle n’est pas déjà fournie dans le système (je l’envoie alors à Marios pour qu’il l’ajoute). Avec « EzPerf » je peux confirmer la dentelure du timbre et avec « EzGrader » sa qualité (VG, F, FV ou XF). Le logiciel identifie les divers filigranes d’un timbre, mais pour l’identifier physiquement,  je dois toujours utiliser la vielle méthode du liquide à filigrane (les différents systèmes électroniques que j’ai essayés ne m’ont pas convaincu encore), (peut-être que Marios trouvera une solution , un jour?) EzStamp est tellement flexible qu’il est difficile de lui rendre justice en essayant de décrire ses fonctions. C’est en l’utilisant qu’on le découvre davantage et qu’il nous surprend toujours; favorablement.

Serge Gaudreau

I am a retired Instructional System Designer who worked as an officer with the Canadian Armed Forces and a member of the Canadian Space Agency.

Je suis un concepteur pédagogique retraité qui a oeuvré comme officier des Forces armés canadiennes et membre de l’Agence spatiale canadienne.


Serge Gaudreau, Quebec

EZ Image has saved me many 1,000’s of hours and i am truly grateful for that. My business is booming now & EZ Image is THE major factor, so thank you!

Corky’s Stamps, BC, Canada

This seems to be a very user friendly package with a tremendous amount of thought and attention to detail put into it. Very impressive!


Jim T., USA

I have been using Ezstamp and the SRS module now for six months. This software is astounding. I have inventoried about 7,000 items from my Commonwealth collection. I have used the recognition software to identify my stamps (not being quite familiar with the Scott numbers used in Ezstamp) and it has only missed about 20 stamps. Truly astounding. I initially was skeptical, but I can unequivocally state that it does live up to expectations and much more. The speed in which Srs finds the stamps is astonishing. I had looked at two other programs before I purchased Ezstamp and Srs. The others were utterly useless and were not even complete. I am a truly satisfied customer and will be purchasing the updates as they are released.  Having accurate and reliable documentation of my collections is of utmost importance to me and am quite pleased with both programs. Thank you Softpro for creating such great programs.

Richard DeVerno, Wales, UK

I am 83 years old and life-long collector and have experience with two other stamp inventory programs. There are none, in my experience, that can compare to the ease of use or options offered than this MAGNIFICENT program. If you are a serious collector interested in evaluating your collection and identifying it against possible theft, you must have it!

Richard Seymour, USA

I have been working with EzStamp, EzImage, EzGrader, and the SRS program (Stamp Recognition) for a while now. I have to say it makes my life so much easier. These are great programs, especially for someone like me that has inherited a number of stamp collection cover the whole world.

Frank Bidwell

Frank Bidwell, USA

Top marks for Marios who gave 150% service to me when I had big problems getting my program (EzStamp) up and running. This wasn’t a program error but more of an operators problem (me). The service I received from Marios at Softpro was very special. I can recommend this Software Co. Good work Softpro  I can recommend you to any and anyone in the Philatelic community.

Bill Crook, Queensland, Australia

Hello Mario,  Let me begin by saying I LOVE your software.
I have entered 99% of my silver coins into EzCoin by TYPE (Morgan Silver Dollar, American Eagles, Quarters, etc). So easy!

Ralph P., USA

Quite simply, I would buy it again at twice the price! One of the things it does, since I opted to buy the worldwide version, is dispense with the need for me to buy an expensive (and takes-up-a-lot-of-my-shelf-real-estate) Scott Catalog.

This software is SO powerful and simple and useful, and I am convinced that Marios has found a way to dispense with the need for sleep… answers to any questions come near instantaneously! 🙂

Thanks again, Marios, for many years of great software and superb service! You’ve got a die-hard fan here in Kingston!

Carmen G., Kingston, ON, Canada

I recently converted from a well know competitor to both EzCoin and EzStamp.
I had used the competitor’s programs for many years and when they worked they were fine and did everything I expected them to do.

However, I recently replaced my computer and moving the programs was a challenge. Neither program would work.  And, after several ‘back and forths’ that company stopped corresponding. I could get no support or help.

So, I moved to SoftPro and the Ez programs. Downloading and installation was a breeze – simple and straightforward. But, as the programs do things a little differently, it took a while to get where I wanted to go. I’m not there yet but have been able to start inputting coins. That is going smoothly.
In addition, Marios converted my stamp data and I’m working to get started there too. I’m still learning the ins’ and outs’ of EzStamp. I do have custom fields modified to add and store the information I need. Marios has been a tremendous help. Without him, I suspect I would still be floundering. He has responded to all my questions with detailed instructions. There are many videos and a help system that I suspect have the answers to my questions, but like most people, it’s easier to ask than to look. I did find several solutions in the videos and only verified with Marios what I thought should happen.

Thanks Marios

Larry R., USA

Perfect! Thanks. It is a wonderful program and saves me tons of time scanning stamps.

P. Douglas, U.K.

I recently purchased an upgrade for EZCoin Canada. I find it is a fantastic product for keeping track of my coins.

Barry H., ON, Canada

I recently converted to EzStamp from another stamp management software, and I am extremely pleased. Some outstanding benefits of EzStamp include coverage, support, ease of use, and integration with valuable supplemental options. The collection that I inherited has more than 40,000 stamps from dozens of countries, but my early software had no data for nearly 10% of those. I spent many hours adding data and gave up on entering stamps from two substantial countries. EzStamp covers 99.9% of the collection. Support from the company has been stellar. They helped me convert the bulk of the collection from the previous program, and every question has prompted a quick and helpful response. Entering data is fast and easy. If a person has a large and diverse collection, I would recommend that they make EzStamp their first choice.

Ray Heithaus, USA

I need to give Marios and the gang at EzStamps a huge “Thumbs Up” for what I consider to be the GREATEST collection of Philatelic software available today!! Excellent product and excellent Customer Service!! If you have been thinking about getting some stamp software think EzStamps and sign up today!!


Les Wallack, USA

Attorney at Law
400 West End Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10024

Admitted to practice in:

New York (all State courts)
United States Supreme Court
U.S. District Court (SDNY)
U.S. District Court (EDNY)
U.S. Court of Appeals (2nd Cir.)

I have been a practicing attorney in New York City since my graduation from Columbia Law School in 1962 – but I have been a stamp collector since I was eight years old and still have my 1947 USA Specialized catalogue that my mother purchased for me.  Over the years, I continued to collect stamps, expanding a simple USA collection to a more elaborate one.  Along the way I added collections of stamps from France, Morocco, Canal Zone, the Philippines and the Ryukyus.  I have been a member of the APS for literally decades.  I write now to highly recommend EZ Stamp as a software product without peer.
For years, I labored over the best method of inventorying my stamps and their values.  When I went to stamp shows, I needed to know what I had in each of my collections and what I was missing.  I also needed to know, for insurance purposes, exactly what I had and the value of the stamps in the event of a loss.  I experimented with homemade spreadsheets done in Microsoft Excel but the time spent in creating and updating them was fearsome.  I tried several commercial products which were an improvement but had problems.  Finally, however, I have located and have purchased the ideal software, EZ Stamp and write to praise it highly.

This software is easy to install and use so that it is usable by the collector with a relatively limited supply of stamps to the highly advanced collector.  Most important perhaps is the outstanding service from Mario who is ready to help me at virtually any time.  The written materials and the videos are also a tremendous help.  Go buy it!!!

Steven W. Wolfe

Steven W. Wolfe, NY, USA

I have been selling stamps on eBay since 1999 and I cannot tell you how much EzImage has saved me in time & money. I wish I had purchased this a long time ago.

What used to take me many hours now only takes minutes. I was up and running in a very short time with the help of the videos provided on the website. I am now productive to the point where I use nothing else to do my stamp imaging. Support is spot on when you need it. I have much of my stock in black 102B cards & I needed a quick way to scan and separate the stamps. Turns out the people at EzImage already figured this out. A quick call and they came onto my PC and set it up for me. now that’s service! I cannot imagine going back to scanning my stamps without Ezimage. It’s that good. If you scan lots of stamps, this is a must must have program.

ABC Stamps, Fresno, CA

I want to let you know I LOVE using EzStamp and am really pleased with the speed of data entry and use. I’m very happy I bought the whole world version and have started the process of cataloging my entire collection.

Tim Hamashuk, USA

Have been using the [EzPerf] demo and was very impressed with it. In addition to stamps, I collect postal history, including RPO covers. My hands are no longer steady enough to determine if a cancellation oval is a half a mm different from another. This product will really help.

Gary Olson, IL

Let me first say that my selection of EzStamp software as the program to inventory my vast supply of stamps is the best purchase I have made in years.  I thank you for that.

Ric Smith, FL, USA

I have had a chance to work with the program [EzStamp] for a few days and it is incredible. Has me interested in my stamp collection again

Mike Misner, USA

I’ve been continually impressed about how complete of a solution EzStamp is!  You’ve done a really good job “thinking of everything!”

Doug Anderson, USA

My stamp collection is small compared to some but very valuable to me. Without what you have done [EzStamp], it would be impossible to document with any accuracy what my collection is made of , its value, or its location as I have over a seventy books.

Mario, I thank you for the excellent service and your great product…

Mel Powell, USA

EzStamp Save me!. My wife had a collection of disorganized stamps resulting in over 20,000 EzStamp entries in 11 databases. The largest database – the USA has almost 11,000 entries, including single, multiple, plate blocks, sheets, etc. The program is easy to learn, intuitive, and produces great reports. Support is fast and complete. I started with version 7 and upgraded to version 8.
I usually do not review products that I purchase. Worked with computers and programmers for almost 50 years. So, for this exceptional product I have made an exception.  Great product, easy to learn and use. Great support. Could not have completed the project without it.  Very happy!!

Joe McKelvy, USA

I have used EZStamp for years. It has been easy to use and if I ever have a problem Marios gets back to me with a solution immediately. Great product, great service.

Don MacNeill, Canada

EZStamp is amazingly good software! I have used it since 2003

John Megna, GA, USA

I cannot thank you enough for your support & generosity. I lost my computer during hurricane Irma. My stamp inventory was backed up to your cloud service (best $10 I ever spent!). I called Softpro – spoke to Mario I believe – and he immediately replaced my software which was completely lost due to the storm. He also offered to send me CD replacements for Albumgen and EzCoin which I also had. Unbelievable customer service. I have over 95,000 stamp entered into EzStamp and about 3,000 coins in Ezcoin. I thought I had lost everything. The service and quality of the software is what has kept me coming back for years. God Bless.


Richard Hinsberg, Miami, FL, USA

I am very pleased with the product, the image feature is an excellent tool for productivity and accuracy not to say for theme collection. It was an excellent investment for me. The communication Thanks for your support.  Great product. Luis


Louis Arroya, USA, PR
I am putting more and more plate blocks into EzStamp and am liking it more and more.  I have input over 1,000 so far.
The input structure is designed to minimize errors on input.  You have done your homework in this area.
Don J., USA

I have used been using EZ Stamp for a year now and it has been absolutely unreal. I have saved 1,000’s of hours & i have been able to sell a lot more.

D. Price, BC, Canada

I just want to give a heads up about this company. I just talked to Mario (the owner) by phone, as I needed to do some updates and needed a bit of additional information from him. As always the customer service is superb. There is absolutely no software anywhere in the stamp collecting world that can compete with their features or quality. I highly recommend ALL their products.

Jack Holloway, USA

I want to compliment you for creating such a fine program. I have spent many enjoyable hours designing my pages and I get rave reviews from my fellow stamp club members. Of course I tell them it’s from Albumgen. Best Regards, Ron

Ron Y., USA

I must say that SRS is incredible. I find it so useful, that I now cannot do without it. I was skeptical at first, but after using it for about 20  minutes, I was a believer. It identifies most stamps in mere seconds and usually only finds just one matching stamp. For classic issues of many countries, it will find multiple matches (since they all look alike). The time savings in identifying my worldwide collection if huge. I only have the North America & British Commonwealth editions right now, but will be upgrading to the world edition once I get my new PC. Thanks Ezstamp. Great stuff.


R. van Demeyer, WA, USA

I have been a part time dealer for several years & sell on eBay UK & HipStamp. I recently purchased Ezimage and have found it to be brilliantly simple and easy to use. It has saved me so much time. Prior to using Ezimage, it took me countless hours to scan and prepare my stamp images for uploading to eBay. With EzImage, I spend less time preparing and more time selling. I have also noticed an increase in the percentage of the lots being sold. I suspect that this is due to the quality of the images. Now, with Ezimage close by, all my images are perfectly prepared (rotated & cropped consistently with beautiful black borders). I am so happy with this purchase. EzImage has most assuredly saved me countless hours of time and I can only give it my highest recommendation. I use EzImage so much now, that I am not certain how I could continue without it. It’s that good.
I am currently evaluating the EzPerf and EzGrader programs. They look like they could be of much use as well.

Michael J. Horner, UK

I’ve been very impressed with the completeness and depth of functionality in all the Softpro systems. A very polished set of products for collectors of all levels. But the most impressive part of my experience with Softpro is the fantastic personal customer service. Five stars!!!

Chris S., Australia

EzStamp is  a great program. I would use no other.

D. MacCord

EzStamp is a great stamp collecting tool. Through modern computer technology, It brings collecting to a much higher level. Prompt, first class customer service really enhances Marios’ contribution to the stamp and coin collecting world. The software is a must for any collector!

Dennis M., USA

 I really like the ease of using EzPerf.  I sure makes identifying a lot of my old US stamps much easier.

Also, Each day that passes, the EzStamp program is one of the best stamp software programs that I’ve used to date.
C. Menges, USA

First, i really want to thank you for EZStamp. I’m truly enjoying it and have entered over 1000 stamps and will add about 100 a day or so.
I started entering some PNB’s after watching your video. Great addition to the program.

Charles L., USA

Following in my dad’s footsteps, I am a second generation user of Ezstamp and although I’ve only been a customer for about a month+ I’ve become obsessed with it. Very powerful and expandable application. It comes with an extensive and well-written user manual which I use primarily as a reference as needed — the actual program is intuitive enough that I was able to jump in and start using it right away without detailed instruction. The cloud utility add-on which I bought separately is especially useful.

The personal customer service and assistance that Marios provides goes way beyond my expectations. Frankly it has to be experienced, it can’t be described.

I highly recommend this product without any reservation to anyone thinking of organizing or starting a collection.

B. Thomson, USA

I don’t use Facebook so am using email to tell you how much I enjoy using EzStamp. This is the 3rd or 4th year and I’m amazed at the huge number of functions that it has. I’ve found it most useful in organizing my collections. Whenever I have a question and contact SoftPro for assistance, I am always amazed at the quick response. Never any hold time or delay, just quick clarification usually from the president/owner of the company. Great program and support. Rich Miller

Rich M., USA

I love EzPerf so much and pretty much use it daily when listing stamps, I sell stamps on eBay and cannot do without it.

P. Kline, USA

I have used two other programs before I purchased yours. Neither  was adequate to say the least. By every measure, your stamp and coin programs are so far ahead of your competitors in every respect (images, data completeness, ease of use and the kicker is the unbelievable support). The attention to details and stability of these programs is exceptional. I have been using Ezstamp for 3 months and Ezcoin for about two months. Not a single issue. The other programs I was using were constantly crashing & I was tired of being used as a beta tester. Although I have had no issues with the prorgams, I have contacted your staff for coin related questions (where to purchase & sell some coins) and the responses were almost immediate and very friendly and professional. I cannot say enough good things about this company and their offerings. If you are looking for stamp and coin programs, look no further. Will be purchasing the updates as they are released. Thank You.

Charles Bunting, Los Alamos, NM, USA

I love using EzStamp! It is the best stamp database on the market. I’ve been using this amazing software since 2003

John M., Alpharetta, GA, USA

I  was using a different  program for several months, and I became extremely overwhelmed with the time involved in entering all the information and constantly correcting the mistakes and having to add the missing stamps and values. I finally gave up after having to wait three weeks for a response to simple questions I had. Then a friend showed me EzStamp and how great it was. As you know, I purchased your program about a month ago and am so pleased I did. Finally a program that will save me time and keep my collection in order. I cannot thank you enough. Your support is to be commended. The software is brilliantly simple to use and the entry of my stamps are very fast. I no longer have to waste time entering all the information. It’s all there, with no errors (that I have found). I have already inventoried my US singles, FDC’s and plate blocks. Your bulk entry method is so convenient. I loaded all my used singles in about ten minutes. I now will start on my mint sheets. The pictures of the stamps you provide are truly exceptional. You have truly thought this program out with great care and it is no wonder your program is the leader in stamp collecting software. Wish I had bought Ezstamp first and saved myself all the frustration of your competition’s product.  You have a customer for life.


Charles, W., NY, USA

This Ezcoin program is the best coin software I have ever used. I had a small issue at first sent an email and the response time was the best support I have ever seen!! Talked on the phone and they fixed my issue in minutes. Merlin

Merlin V., USA

I am a new customer and a newbie to stamp collecting. I looked around at several of the available software programs and based on the info on your web site and the reviews I read, I decided to try your demo program. I am glad I did. It really is “EZ”
I just purchased the full program and by following the step by step instructions you provided, it was an smooth conversion. I find it easy to use and very helpful for keeping track of the stamps I collect. I have also been able to upload/add images of the stamps I own.
The other thing that makes this purchase worth while is the support you provide. Along with the many videos on your site and “you tube”, You respond quickly to email and I have never had a problem getting to speak to a live person on the phone. You always answer my questions and add helpful hints and explanations. You make it clear that my satisfaction with your product is a prime concern.
Thanks again for your excellent “EZSTAMP”!

M.D.C., New York

EzImage takes away all of the hassles of scanning, rotating and cropping images. With the pro version, load up a scannerful and away you go. Next up will be albumGen then I am set. It is perfect to get all the software from a single source, and get after sales service that you can only dream about. Well done Marios

David M., USA

Your software [EzStamp] is extremely useful and recently rescued me from considerable frustration while working my way through the Great Britain Machin series. Cheers, Ken

Ken S., Nova Scotia

This is just about perfect, but I can’t think of anything to improve it. On another program, it took 3 years (due to boredom and dread) to enter somewhat over 5,000 stamps. With Ezstamp, I have entered 2,000+ stamps in two weeks – at my leisure. Great job Ezstamp!

David Smitley, USA

I went ahead and placed the order for the USB version of EzStamp through PayPal. Over the last few months I made an estimated 1200 entries using a different product . An average completed entry with value, grade, type, color, perf, year etc. takes at least 2 minutes with the other product. That does not include thousands of price inputs that were not includes with the other product at all or did not have prices for the grades that were being added.

So far, using EzStamp, adding a stamp is down to a few seconds. I look forward to using your product [EzStamp] and getting back to stamp collecting instead of data entry.

Paul G., USA

I installed EzSTAMP. Piece of cake. IT IS MAGNIFICENT! I want to buy all of the rest of your STAMP related software.

John M., USA

As you may have noticed, I have been using your program [AlbumGen] for quite a few years and have printed thousands of album pages. I find your program very easy to understand and use. I am no spring chicken and have a hard time understanding and using the computer.

Bob P., USA

I am so very satisfied with your software [EzCoin], and am happy that you provide the best support that I have ever experienced. If you ever need a spokesman, I’m you man….

Mike Miller, USA

I have owned Album Gen v2.0 since 2010 and have used it to establish an extensive series of albums for my collection. I have enjoyed the program and think it is well written.

Robert P., PA, USA

I bought this program (EzImage) few years ago. I use it a lot. Constantly. If I have a problem or questions, (how to do something), I’ve always received fast and clear answers. I am very satisfied with the program and the service as well.  thank yo

Gilles Gagnon, Montreal, QC

Thank you so much. I love using EZStamp! EZStamp is great!  I’ve been using your software for more than ten years and it is amazing!

John Megna, USA

The more I use EZcoin, the more I like it

David Scanland, USA

Have re-started working on my US & Canada collections after several years (I started collecting over 50 years ago). Having to search and purchase albums and or updates has always been a problem. With EzStamp and AlbumGen this problem no longer exists. I am in the process of completing my 14 US albums and still need to get busy with the Canada. It is a pleasure to be able to create my own pages with clear and color images of the stamps. Thanks Ezstamp.

Russell H., USA

I successfully installed and activated the EZImage software. I find that software absolutely invaluable as I scan images for my collection. It is quite the time saver!

Greg. R., OH, USA

I had an opportunity to use EZImage this week and I’m happy beyond expectation with it.
I have Photoshop and perhaps I could do similar things with it but after seeing your video on separating, de-skewing and clipping the images I knew I had to include it in my order without even trying it first! EZImage has features designed exclusively for stamps workflows and that’s a big differentiator from other image editors. It has been a huge time saver and considering I have thousands of stamps to scan that I have inherited I’m now much more optimistic I’ll be able to appraise my new collection with the help of EZImage.Thank you for helping me getting started. I can’t wait to get my other SoftPro products in the mail.

Gustavo G., CA, USA

As a life-long stamp collector I’d amassed tens of thousands of stamps from all the world. I discovered this marvelous software 2 years ago and it has rekindled my love for philately. Thank you EZ Stamp!!!!

Frank Rudiger, USA

I am a long time EZ Grader user and really appreciate the accuracy and ease of use of this product. Recently I purchased EZ Image after trying out the product on a trial basis. While EZ Grader is a tool that makes you money when you buy stamps EZ Image is a tool that makes you money when you are ready to sell. Its ability to process multiple stamps with one scan is a huge time saver. After the scan, being able to separate and straighten the images automatically removes most of the tedium from the selling process. One final fact – I am not a power user of computers and I really appreciate the quick response to my questions. Thanks SoftPRO!

Michael McGreevy, USA

I really enjoy using your program [Ezstamp] and find it a wonderful means to summarize and record the value of my collection.

Bob Jones, CA, USA

I have bought a few of your CD’s and find that your programs are incredible

James Hicks, USA

I have been using almost the full suite of EzStamp software. The parts can all run independent of each over apart from SRS and the Franklin Washington Identification software. Both these require EzStamp and to use require activation codes. The parts of the softwares that i have are:
EzStamp (full country databases that are available.)
EzSRS (full country databases that are available.)
WFID (Has been very helpful in identifying the differences.)
EzPerf (Which I use a great deal of the time.)
EzGrader( This gives exact measurement of the centering of stamps and perf information.)
AlbumGen(Not purchased yet, but intend to do so soon.)

I have used two other stamp softwares, one I cannot remember the name of and the other one is xxxxxx. Whilst I enjoyed using the xxxxxx, in my opinion it really does not come even close the the EzStamp suite of software. Marios is absolutely brilliant with his help and support, event to the point of privately accessing my pc and installing some of the software. Yes! I spent a considerable amount of money buying this excellent software, but for me it is in a league of its own.

You do seriously need to read the manuals of each software piece, if you intend to get the best out of the programs as there is just so much that you can achieve with your collections. I am not related in anyway to Marios or part of his company and further i am not paid anything for telling you about his software. I hope that this little post will be of value to some one out there in stamp land.

Vince, UK

I have recently purchased Ezstamp and srs both are great pieces of software and working perfectly. I will be purchasing Albumgen and Ezperf in short order.

Roland Swift, UK

After looking for an easy and comprehensive software program to manage our growing stamp collection, we came across EzStamp and within minutes we were up and running… the loaded stamp images are clear and very detailed. I can see us spending hours enjoying our collection and learning more about the stamps we acquire.

Linda DeRose-Droubay, USA

I have found SRS to be a most invaluable tool for my stamp collecting needs. I can now identify most of my stamps in a fraction of the time it would take to identify and catalogue them compared to the old way of looking them up in a book or internet. I use it extensively for my Japan and Russia collections. I don’t know what I would do without Ezstamp & SRS. They are by far the best stamp investments I have made.

Pat Jasker, NSW, Australia

I installed both programs [EzStamp & AlbumGen] and they both seem to be working fine. I have already inventoried my entire Iceland collection. I really can’t believe how quick and easy it was. I love the programs.

Neil Henning, USA

First, I would like to say how much I am enjoying using the EzStamp software’s. They are absolutely brilliant and essential for any stamp collector

Vincent Andrews, Australia

SRS is like having a stamp expert in your own home. The time savings are huge. Makes inventory and identification of stamps painless. I have identified over 3500 stamps in my collection so far, and only about 10 were not found (but they were very badly cancelled so that may have been the issue). Love using SRS. Makes my stamp time fun again.

Paul Feinberg, Belgium

After using EzStamp for a couple of days, I can’t imagine why anyone would want to drop it for anything else.

Glen Fine, USA
Thank you for the software [Ezstamp & Ezcoin].  Ive only used the stamp software so far but it’s been very helpful already.
Lori Bergman, USA

Ezimage is absolutely fantastic. I don’t know how we ever did without it. Scanning, trimming, straightening and processing large quantities of images  has become a very simple and easily automated routine.  We have tried many of the other programs, but there is nothing like Ezimage

ESJ van Dam, www.canadarevenuestamps.com

Thank you Marios for helping me out of a bind and saving all my work on AlbumGen. When you say “Customer Service First” you guys mean it. I think it took about 3 mins for you to answer my email and about 45mins to resolve the problem. If anyone reading this post and is thinking about getting any of the SoftPro software, do it you won’t be sorry. I have EZ Stamp for United States and AlbumGen both are fantastic programs, I am redesigning my US Classic album the way I want it done, and after a couple months of using it I feel like a pro. I’m not a computer techie I am a Philatelist so when I needed help these guys were there to help because I don’t know how a computer works I just know how to use one. Again thank you for a great product and superb service. I grade you guys: GEM 100J

Regis Kramer Jr., USA

What an awesome coin collecting database. I did try a couple of others, but yours is the easiest to use. Thanks . Installation and import of my demo data (as I had already began my current inventory) was quick and painless.

Jim C., USA

EzStamp & Albumgen are working out so well, what a great thing you have given us.

Jeb Roberts, USA

I talked my dad into purchasing this program [EzCoin] the other day and he likes it a lot more then the one he had been using as it had crashed three times and he was getting quite fed up with it. The lack of support was the last straw. My dad is loving your software.

Frank, B., USA

I have been using Ezstamp for several months now. Exceptional software. I find the cloud backup stellar. It allows me to backup my data to the cloud in Leeds and when i travel to the cottage in Addingham, I can quickly synchronize my data to my tablet. Hastle free and quite convenient. Will be purchasing your Commonwealth edition in the coming weeks. Just want to finish my France collection first.

Cameron S., Leeds, UK

Anyone who scans stamps in any quantity and is not using this program has got time to waste!  I’ve used many different scanning packages and EZimage is, without question, the most effective, time saving scanning software available. Period!! This is one damn awesome piece of software! John Sheffield Philatelist Ltd.

John Sheffield Philatelist Ltd.
I have used a competing stamp database program for several years, and finally decided to switch to Ezstamp as I was fed up with the lack of support and pure unreliability/incompleteness of the competitors program.
I can’t express how impressed I am with the quick response and the professionalism shown me by the developers of Ezstamp . Other dealings I have had with customer support for other software and companies pale by comparison.
If you need a stamp database program which is loaded with features, has comprehensive & complete databases, and has excellent (way above average) customer support, give this product a try. Having complete and accurate databases is utterly critical in preparing an accurate inventory of my stamps. You will not be disappointed with this product or company. It’s absolutely fantastic and flat-out light years ahead of any other stamp collecting program I have encountered.
David B., Sacramento, CA

The Album Gen is about the greatest thing I have ever used in the hobby.

Jeb R., Texas

This program [EzCoin] was purchased for a law enforcement agency in which a huge collection of coins were seized and forfeited (10-20,000 coins). In order to accurately catalog and inventory the coins, this software was purchased to obtain approximate values of the coins in the case. The customer support has been tremendous. When a special report was needed to accomodate the law enforement agency’s needs, a customized report was created by the designers of the software which will save us many hours of work. Also, we were offered assistance with changing names of fields to accomodate the way we were inventoring the coins. This program would serve any one from the novice collector to the professional. Not only is the program good but the customer service and support that is provided is phenonemal!

Blue Ridge Narcotics and Gang Task Force

As a novice collector, I found cataloging my stamps a chore. I have a full set of Scott books and was spending a lot of time trying to find stamps. I have since purchased SRS and have found it invaluable. Not only does it save me enormous amounts of time, but it finds pretty much every stamp I have scanned in mere seconds. As a test, I manually looked for a Japanese stamp in my Scott book. It took me almost 15 minutes to find it. I then scanned the same stamp, put it into SRS & found it in less than 3 seconds (took me 15 seconds to scan it though). I cannot tell you how much I enjoy using SRS & Ezstamp. Has to be my best software purchase ever.

Tom Green, TX, USA

Linn’s Stamp News Review of EzPerf by William Sharpe , Dec. 2012, CLICK HERE to read the Review

Linn’s Stamp News Review of EzPerf by William Sharpe

Here are my thoughts as an amateur after a weekend experimenting with EzPerf: First the price: EzPerf costs USD 39.99. Buying a SG Instanta gauge from SG on eBay, shipped to my door in Denmark, costs USD 12.59. EzPerf has so much functionality that I feel the price is very reasonable. And even if I only used EzPerf as a simple on-screen perforation gauge (the EzPerf tool “linear gauge”), I still think it would have been worth buying. I don’t consider myself old, but I’m old enough to need reading glasses, and it’s so much easier for me using the large onscreen linear gauge instead of the Instanta.
I tested first my scanner, and despite its age, it was scanning very precisely. Then the program: all the measurements are spot on.
The two instruction videos on Youtube are very good, the onscreen help is first class, and the pdf manual is a masterpiece of clarity. Everything really works as effortlessly as shown on the videos. You just put a stack of stamps on your flatbed scanner, scan them in at 300 dpi, then get to work in EzPerf. With practice one works fast. For old ragged Victorian stamps you’ll need the set of tools in “expert mode”, but you’ll end up deciding between say perf 12½ and perf 13 with 100% confidence, even with very little to go on – using the Instanta I was often (too often!) in doubt.

Patrick L., Denmark

Huge Time Saver. By the way your program [EzPerf] works GREAT. I have two stamps that differ only by their perfs. I used the little old plastic perf gauge to measure the perfs in the past but never really felt secure. I scanned the two stamps and loaded them into EzPerf. Yup, the two were different and the perf numbers matched the catalog. Have already found several perforation varieties that I missed with the plastic gauges.

Peter Laimins, Chicago, USA

I have been selling on eBay since 1996. Actually before I purchased a scanner and the supplied software. I currently use a Microtek Scanmaker 4800 which was supplied with Adobe Photoshop Deluxe. I constantly had problems with that software. I purchased the EZ Image software basic edition and was amazed at the improved quality. I now have moved to the Pro version. Its benefits and additional provisions are a MUST for the serious seller of stamps on the internet. I am a seller of stamps on the internet and this is actually the most efficient software available for someone wanting to image stamps. If you are a serious seller of stamps on the internet, you should be using EZ-Image. Curtis Gidding

Curtis Gidding, USA
I am really pleased with EzStamp v8.0. It really seems to do everything I ever wanted to help me with my hobby. I have large (to me) collections of USA and Canada and have always had trouble keeping track of what I have and don’t have. Now it is very simple and a great aid. Thank you for all the work you’ve done to make this program what it is today. I have done some coding on business software and appreciate the sophistication and work it takes to turn out a program like this.
Rich Miller, MN, USA

An amazingly powerful program- and the learning curve is not that steep. Once you get on to it things move fairly quickly, and the EZstamp with Albumgen is a perfect combination. It put a lot of fun and enjoyment into the hobby. I would also like to say that Marios is incredibly helpful for points and tips when you run into problems.

Gary Clarke, BC, Canada


The EzStamp software is amazingly useful and the customer service from Marios is exceptional. As a long-time Mac user, I willingly adapted to Windows 10 to gain the benefits of the EzStamp components. I am very impressed with the wide variety of technical details built into the software, while the training videos and frequent tips for users has been extremely helpful to me. To complete this trifecta of excellence, EzStamp 8 even has a high quality 300+ page manual to download for those of us who learn best by reading. My New Year’s resolution is to spend at least an hour a day inputting .
James Schultz, USA

I have used Albumgen for very complex album pages. Amazing results. 5 stars from me.

John Thomas, TX, USA

Undoubtedly, the best and easiest inventory program on the market!!

Enzo Loop, WA, USA

I am helping my elderly father inventory his stamp collection using ezstamp. I have found the program very easy to use for a novice collector and have been able to organize his stamps also.

Karen B., USA

I was absent from my stamp collecting for over 10 years, and felt a little overwhelmed about starting up again. The cost of new albums, building a new inventory, and learning the techniques involved in studying the difference in look a like stamps. EzStamp products solved all those issues, and stamp collecting is more enjoyable now then before. I purchased, Albumgen, EzPerf, EzImage and EzStamp8, it took a little to learn some of the steps, but EzStamp tech support are so friendly and helpful they got me collecting like a Pro again. I strongly recommend any of the EzStamp products.

Frank of Jacksonville, Florida

I have been working with AlbumGen since 1999. I recently upgraded to version 2. The program is extraordinarily easy to use and customize. It produces professional-looking pages. Over the years I have printed at least 1000 pages. They look terrific.

The support from SoftPro is outstanding, especially in this day and age when most companies regard customer support as an inconvenience if that. I highly recommend this program for stamp collectors who find supplements too constraining and too vanilla-like.


Very well done program. I’ve used and seen many and EzStamp tops them all. Easy to use, even for an all thumbs guy like me! Been using it for years and I just keep learning more and more. Now that there are video’s, makes it even easier.

Ron DeLaney, OH, USA

Have to tell you that the Washington Franklin identifier is phenomenal. I have been having trouble with those stamps & the WFID has helped me so much. The clarity of the big images really helps to identify the varieties. I use it all the time now whenever I get one of those Washington Franklin heads from the early 1900’s. Best add on program to EzStamp in my opinion. Keep up the great work.

Marc Miller, Oshkosh, WI

Hi Marios, Well, I have played with AlbumGen for a little less than two hours and I’m SOLD!!!! I think it’s the best album page creation app I have ever seen. I’ll be ordering it today.

John I., USA

I want to take the opportunity to congratulate you for your fine development, I have been using other software for the last 8 years but I think yours is really friendly and the best software I have seen for mounting collections for the Shows and also to make your own Album, which I will do in the following months, for my Costa Rica stamps collection.

Rafael P., Costa Rica

I just want to tell you what a wonderful product you have.  I finally learned to use all the features of your product to produce my albums.  I am using it to produce pages for my German Privatpost albums. You really should tell prospective buyers that it can also be used for non normal stamp albums.   Thank you for all your help and patients with my endless questions!

Lewis Miller, USA

I really love EZGrader.  I purchase quite a few stamps on eBay and I continually get annoyed at sellers grading their stamps 2 or 3 grades higher then they really are. 
Sometimes it is too hard to tell, but with this software at least I have the math to back up my purchases. 

Ken D., London, UK

I have been using EzCoin for 6 months.  I love the way it keeps track of the original cost and current value.  It has many great reports reporting my coins for many purposes, i.e. insurance. I was so frustrated before when I was using your competitors program (CM). I am thoroughly pleased with your product. Thanks for creating such a great program.

David. P. D., USA, NY

Let me start out by saying that I think that you have done a TERRIFIC job with the program. I have been looking for something like this for a long time and could never find anything of this quality.

Jeff K.

Really, the best software for coin collections in Canada and service!! Just great. I have their software for several years and for years to come. Keep up the good work.

Helene S.

EZ Image is a fantastic program! If you sell stamps, postcards or other small collectibles on the Internet, it is a MUST buy! As a stamp dealer selling on Ebay, I only wished I had discovered this program 10 years ago, I would have saved hundreds of hours (thousands of dollars) on labor scanning stamps and other philatelic items.
Kudos to the owner, who is very responsive during installation and whenever I have a question.

Pierre. QualityStampsForLess

Dear Marios, I just wanted to write and thank you again for taking the time to help me get the software installed on my new machine at work.  Not only is software great, but I now know that its creator is a true gentleman as well.  Having learned what I did in the process, I was able to get it properly installed temporarily on my wife´s laptop at home. Thank you again, Willis 

Willis M., USA

It only took me a couple of hours of practice with Album Gen before I got pretty proficient in designing and printing album pages. Really like that “nudge feature”. Really like the option of printing images, or just going with the stamp data. I have 15 (3 1/2 inch) Harris Stamp Albums. Most of the early high value GB and Canada were not included in the annual supplements provided by Harris and second party manufactures. I am in the process of using your software to generate pages that include ALL issues, including the high value ones. For the first time in many years, my high values now have a comfortable home with their own spaces in my albums. Plan to do the same with the entire set of other countries that I have ordered. Looking forward to a long relationship with you and your company. Glad to see the personal touch.

Chuck Tyler, USA

I started using this program today and it is fantastic!  Like all programs there are some really neat things that have to be learned but I have been able to create 3 pages successfully in several minutes.  Overall I am very, very pleased.  I tried a competitive product but it had just too many limitations and was hard to use.    Thanks!

David W., Fairbanks, AK

I am loving the product – playing around with a plastic perforation gauges was always irritating, and now that my eyes are not as good as they used to be, it was becoming a bit difficult with less than perfect eyesight and less than steady hands.Ezperf makes it so much easier and it’s extremely accurate

R. Goldberg, USA

I am finding EzGrader the best investment I have made in determining the centering quality of stamps purchased on eBay

Tom J., Australia

I just wanted to tell you that you did a marvelous job of creating the software. Once I learn it better I know I will love it. I am a computer technician but not a Programmer. You have done an A++++ job !!!!!!! Thanks

David B., Auckland, New Zealand

It has been worth every penny, because this program essentially does all the work for you. All I have to do is open a country, enter the Scott # and watch the high quality picture and info appear. I then add what I paid for it. Done.

Carmen, UK

It’s so great to finally have my whole collection in one spot. You definitely deserve congratulations on developing such a fine program.

Greg C.

Started with another program and switched to EzStamp and am glad I did. Support is incredible, and data entry and inquiry very fast.

Howard C., USA

All I can say is wow. The product is unbelievable and I am more than happy. The service is second to none and the owner Marios responded to my many enquiries within minutes. Great company.

Mark L., Canada

EzStamp is great software for the 21st century collector. It brings together all the factors necessary in identifying, grading, organizing and valuing collections, as well as many more benefits.

Dennis M., USA

I have a large U.S. collection & EzStamp allows me to do so many things with my collection. Creating reports in so many formats is fun to work with.

Charles S., USA

I have been using Stamp Inventory software since the very first apps became available in the 80’s. EzStamp is BY FAR the best one yet.

John I., USA

Delivered as promised and product exceeded expectations. I would recommend this program to anyone. The reporting is phenomenal. Superb coin collecting software SoftPro. I will be back for more.

Richard H., Vancouver, BC

I have spent nearly 30 hours with your EzPerf & I must say it is a fantastic tool. I have found it very easy to use for the most part. I have measured over 200 scans and only once was it off, but  i know the issue was the image scan (actually the stamp was very heavily cancelled on the to ). I was able to get it right though by using the add a perf option. As an aside, I used Ezimage for all my scanning .
I have found the position finder to be of great use to me in my study of the penny reds and plating them. The multi image crop/measure function is brilliant. I scan multiple copies of the same stamp and crop away. Works like a charm. As in all cases , your service has  been exceptional & your timely responses are one reason why your products are top notch.

Laura M., UK

I love this program and have graded some 3000+ stamps and never buy without using it. I have found some wonderful buys using this – paid 10.68 for a C-7 graded 98 – another 496 coil single 
I purchased 14.00 and I got a PSE 100.  I love this program – nothing else like it.

B. Scott, USA

Amazing software. So easy to use. No database software is any good without great reports. EzCoin is hands down the best coin software out there. I know, I have used all the others & now use EzCoin exclusively. Highest praise for your products and support. I will be a repeat customer for sure.

Wendy Miscovic, NY

I love it, for a world wide collector, getting perf sizes almost immediately after a scan is fantastic.

Rod B., Australia

I want you to know that it [EzCoin] is an outstanding program, easy to understand and use– thanks a lot.

David MacDonald, Edmonton, AB

One of the many testimonials we receive via regular mail. Just click on the image below to read it.

Karl S., USA

EzImage is a time saver that has paid for itself with the very first project undertaken. Marios provided immediate and stellar technical support. I was preparing images for my auction within minutes of running the program. The program is very fast and easy to use. I’ll save a week of my life every time I use it. Thanks, Marios.

Bill Longley, ON, Canada

I have used this product so many times and have found it so indispensible in my stamp collecting hobby. I really love this program. The product is so good. Yours truly,  Tony Krusz

Tony Krusz, USA

Marios, I love Album Gen and use it exclusively for my albums.

Don Frederick, Miami

EZ Perf significantly reduced the time I needed to identify and classify a large number of stamps that I recently bought at an auction. Scanning 20 to 30 stamps in a vinyl stock sheet allowed me to make size measurements rapidly and accurately.  In addition, cropping the images and calculating perforation size couldn’t have been easier.  EZ Perf is truly a valued asset when I organize my collection and it is highly recommended to all collectors.

Don Marion, Canada

I love this program!!! It has saved me hundreds of hours of photo editing.

Gordon S., Canada

Just to let you know also that I always use AlbumGen to write up and display my collection and its functionality is superb. I can’t see how anything else could beat it!

Derrick M., Kamloops, BC

Reading perforations accurately has been an ongoing challenge for me. After buying various Precision Perforation Gauges, and using them in conjunction with magnifying glasses, the frustration finally got to me. This was compounded by the fact that my measurements did not coincide with the data provided by the Scott Catalogs in some cases.
In order to placate the situation, I turned to EzPerf. This is a computer program by SoftPro that measures Perforations with a high degree of accuracy. The beauty of this Program is that it takes the uncertainty out of the measurement. No more frustration. No doubting the validity of the reading due to poor light, or tired eyes, and things of that nature. The program has many additional features but I am not trying to sell it here. I just want Philatelists to be aware of an easy way to enhance this aspect of their hobby. It’s not expensive and it doesn’t wear out or get damaged.
This, and similar programs I assume, requires a Computer and a Scanner. Any ‘3 in 1’ Printer that I am aware of is sufficient to use. Just scan at 300dpi and let the program do the rest.
I must say that I still like to use the ‘old school’ perforation gauges when I can get away with it. It’s just that so often now……  modern stamps don’t seem to look right against the gauge. It don’t seem to matter which one I use. When that happens I step up to the plate and say ‘what happened to the good ol’ days?’  as I fire up the Software. My daughter tells me that ‘it’s evolution. Get used to it.’ I try to while I kick and scream.. In the end, I sure like the results I get. I’ve been using it over 5 years now.

Tom K., USA

I spent some time reading the Ez Perf Manual. Real nice job on that …Great program. Keep up the good work!!!

Thom E., USA

I have been using your software for 6 months now & it is an exceptional piece of work. I have 3 other programs that I purchased to inventory my coins. Not one of them worked for me. EzCoin is easy to use and the databases are complete and the data is very reliable. Other programs were riddled with errors in content and pricing. I wholly rely on your product now for my needs. Your customer service needs to be applauded. Superb. Can’t wait for your UK database. Count me in.

Richard V., Kamloops, BC

I find your program to be exceptional. I have used it for the past 2 weeks. In that time, I have found 2 Canadian perf varieties in the mammal series that netted me $150. I now plan to scan my small queens & see if I can find any of the perf varieties there. EzPerf is going to pay for itself many times over by the time I finish my Canadian stamps. Wonder what I will find when I do my Australian stamps. Thank for the great product.   Peter C.

Peter C., Canada

Album Gen Program works great! It’s nice to be able to make an album the way I want it!!

W. Miller, PA

I have recently used AlbumGen extensively and have found it to be a fabulous and easy to use addition to my EZStamp software. Your products are amazing and they have revolutionized my collecting ability!

Matthew S., USA

I purchased the AlbumGen program today.  This is exactly what I was looking for. It’s hard to find custom made albums tailored to our needs.  With this program and a little bit of time I can have exactly what I want.  Thanks for great software that actually works!

Mark W.

This software is amazing. The auto separate functions is just mind blowing. If you buy or sell stamps, then this is one of those MUST Have tools.  I cannot praise it enough. It has literally saved me hundreds upon hundreds of hours.

Richard L., Miami, FL

AlbumGen is fantastic. Works like a dream. Simple , uncomplicated, versatile, and makes the stamp albums look like they were put together by a professional. What more can I ask?

Sidney Wechter, Canada

Marios, Works great! I would recommend this software to any collector serious about the quality of stamps they are buying. Many thanks again – great customer service.

Tom J., Miami, FL

Mario- just wanted to say that this is THE BEST album maker ever! I had a lot of Canada duplicates, commems, regs, etc….didn’t know what to do with them…….I purchased some blank White Ace Canada pages and designed my own pages for these stamps……thanks, again, keep up the excellent software programs!!

Mike F., Vulcan, AB

I have your AlbumGen and love it! I have designed my first exhibit with it & will be entering it in a competition this month. Thank You.

A. Cohen, NY

Very successful cataloguing of my coins. EZ coin is great!

J.S., Moncton, NB

First let me say how much I love your software, it sure is a piece of wonder.  So easy to use. I use it daily & find it extremely useful. Can’t wait for the next update .

Robert H., USA

I regularly use Albumgen and consider it to be the best application that has ever been developed for stamp collectors. I now have very high quality pages (Davo/SG Luxury Hingeless) and can easily amend them as I acquire new stamps and blocks…

George W., USA

I’ve been using the EzGrader and EzImage software I got from you folks and I love it. Thanks!!!!

Pat W., New York

AlbumGen is easy to use. My 8 year old daughter created disney pages for her stamps in a few minutes. Great Software! Thanks.

J. Rosenblum, MI

I have tried 2 other programs & EzCoin is so much better. The reporting is incredible & it’s so easy to use.

Nick C., USA

A recent review by Canada’s leading stamp periodical: Canadian Stamp News


Canadian Stamp News, Randy Heimpel, 2013

I just had to email you and tell you how wonderful EZ Image is to use.  I have never come across a program that was so user friendly when it comes to stamps. My favorite feature is the Stitch tool. What a time saver!!!   This program has made my job so much easier and quicker.    THANK YOU!!! Michelle L. McDonald, Office Manager, Charles G. Firby – Auctions

Michelle M., Firby Auctions, Canada

About a month ago I used EzGrader for the first time. What a marvel! These three programs ( EzStamp, AlbumGen & EzGrader ) have made my experience with stamp collecting a real adventure and definitely expanded my knowledge of the field. I look forward to seeing your new projects.

Gilles C., Montreal, QC

I had previously downloaded the Demo version, and felt that it was the best of the 6 or 7 other programs that I had previewed.  I am anxious to get my coin inventory started.  Thank you.

Dave R., Charleston, SC

Marios,  Thank-you! If you ever need me as a reference, I would be honored. Your customer service is outstanding! EzCoin is a life saver. You are one of the best in 35 years of international business.  I have now totally organized my coins. Best regards, Jim Spencer

Jim Spencer, USA

I have just installed my copy of EZ Grader and I love it!  The program installed without a hitch and using it is a no brainer.

Marty G., USA

…AlbumGen works great and is easy to use! It is a MUST for any serious stamp collector who collects topicals. I have a large World War II collection. Album pages for  this collection are hard to find. When I do, they are extremely expensive and not organized the way I want them. AlbumGen solved my problem. It has paid for itself.

Ken Kimbro, USA

I’ve been having a great time with AlbumGen. It works beautifully and I am amazed at what I’ve been able to create with it.

E.Cohen, USA

I just finished my album for Canadian Xmas stamps using AlbumGen, what a great program.

Al D., USA

Normally i do not comment on any product, but i must say that this software by far is the best investment i have ever made. Thanks for this great product.

Michele L., Toronto, Canada

I would like you to know how great AlbumGen is and how much I enjoy using it.


I love AlbumGen.  It is fantastic! Thanks for creating such a great program!

Willis C. Fails, USA

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know what a great product I believe you have in AlbumGen.  I wish I had bought earlier versions of this product.  I’ve used PowerPoint for a number of album projects, and the ease and speed which AlbumGen affords me makes it immeasurably better.  B.B

Barry B., South Africa

From what I’ve seen so far of your current programs they will be the leaders in the industry. I think your programs are the best.

M.M, Freeway Supplies

This is the absolute best program I have ever used!

B.A., Longueuil, QC

I’m having a blast. It sure helps in evaluating stamps for sale, especially the pricier ones. Sellers always seem to grade a bit higher, and then some, than EzGrader. EzGrader is a superior product that moves my understanding of stamps years ahead. Keep up the excellent work. EzGrader has my recommendation all the way.

R. Thomas Detchemendy, CSM (ret)

ALBUM GEN is head and shoulders over anything out there.  I know I’ve tried them all.

Larry C.

Hi, Marios. This thing (EzGrader) is fun to play with! The grading part of the program is just great. With one exception, I’ve totally agreed with every grade it has given.


AlbumGen is a well-designed & feature rich program for creating your own album pages. I’d recommend AlbumGen to anyone … You will not be disappointed with its capabilities. At under $65, it is a very good choice.


Martin Richardson, The Compulatelist

I’ve been using EZ Grader for over 8 years and I’m still amazed at how effective it is when looking at stamp auctions. It makes the decision on which stamps to bid on that much easier and I absolutely love the program. Would not bid on anything without it.

Robert M., USA



AlbumGen is a blessing in disguise! I love the program & EzStamp is unbeatable!

Al Hemmalin, USA

Excerpt from Review of EzStamp & AlbumGen in the Washinton Times by Mark A. Kellner:
To this observer, the greatest advance in stamp collecting will let me throw away my stamp catalogs and keep an inventory on line, complete with illustrations.
This is thanks to a SoftPro 2010 Inc.’s wonderful computer program called EzStamp. The firm, is in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, and has a Web site at (https://ezstamp.com/). This program contains a database of stamps from 590 different territories, including the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, Israel, Vatican City , Jamaica and much more.
With the CD-ROM inserted in your computer’s CD drive, the program will not only show you the catalog number of each stamp, but a color image as well. You can enter quantity and pricing information, as well as then print out an inventory of what you have, a “want list” for needed items and other reports. EzStamp can export its information to another program from SoftPro 2010, AlbumGen, which lets even a ham-handed person like me create a customized stamp album — or exhibit — layout. The results can be printed in monochrome or in color, and are rather dazzling. For decades, stamp collectors and exhibitors often labored over creating their own displays. This program takes almost all the hassle out of this process, and, thanks to the Windows operating system’s plethora of type fonts and its TrueType technology, produces pages that are flat-out incredible.

Mark A. Kellner, Washinton Times

FYI, used EzGrader for the first time over the weekend.  Struggled a bit at first getting ‘clean’ images for EzGrader to use. Figured that problem out and learned that what you or others think you see is frequently not what is.  If EzGrader scores a stamp well, then the stamp is well and truly centered.  If EzGrader scores a stamp more modestly, it truly is what it is with no emotion, no pride of ownership and no subjective considerations in the calculations.  Makes me wonder why more do not use EzGrader. Well worth the money.

Donald La Mar, MidAmerica Gift Certificate Company

I want to be the first to announce EZGRADER which is in fact the most advanced piece of stamp collecting sofware EVER in HISTORY! This software gives you a better grade of your stamp than ANYTHING EVER -EVER- in History.   I suppose we should not be surprised since we are in a technology age.   Anyone have anything better?    (Big laugh!) This IS the best software EVER produced for philately.   And you can quote me on that!!!! 

Greg Deeter, Dallas, TX

Excerpt from Review of AlbumGen in Scott Stamp Monthly ):
AlbumGen is an easy-to-use page design program that lets the user create both album and exhibit pages. I found this program ( AlbumGen & EzStamp ) easy to learn and easy to use. I enjoy the time I spend with it and, when used in conjunction with the EzStamp program, it makes custom album page creation a breeze. And at under $65, the price is right !

Robert de Violini, USA

I think this program is one of the best software I have ever bought, it goes with my stamp collection and is part of the same

Vincent Wentzell, Canada