Priority Remote Support

Priority Remote Support: We are pleased to offer Priority Remote Support to our customers so that we can Securely Remote into your PC & assist you in solving problems or questions you may have. This can also be used as a training session to demonstrate how to perform certain functions or simply if you would like us to use our expertise to train you to use our software more effectively.

Here’s how it works.

  • Contact us and ask for Priority Remote Support. We will set up a time , usually right away. You MUST have internet access to use this service. Once the Remote Control Software is installed on your PC, you will be provided with a user ID & password for this session. We need those to remote in.
  • We can call you via phone, & then we will take control of your PC to solve issues or demonstrate what you need help with. You will be able to watch everything we do and ask any questions that you may have. You can close the connection at any time.
  • Is this safe and secure?   Absolutely. The entire connection is encrypted and safe and used by large corporations worldwide.
  • To initiate a Priority Remote Support session or request a Remote Installation Service (fee applies), please call us at 705-254-6201  or email us at   [email protected]
  • Then click on the link below to begin the remote control session.

Once initialized, you will see a partner ID & a password ( auto generated ).
We will need these codes to initiate the session

Click on the above link to begin after you have contacted us