AlbumGen Cloud Backup:

We are very pleased to announce that you can now backup your AlbumGen v3 data to our SECURE Cloud for unprecedented protection of your Albums. Your AlbumGen data can now be accessed anywhere you have an internet connection. Use it to synchronize data between your desktop & laptop or just to have that extra piece of mind for all your Albums. We still recommend that you perform local backups to your hard drive & flash drive. There is a one time setup fee of $30 US to activate this in AlbumGen . You can purchase with Paypal or use our regular order forms here. *Annual fees are also applicable to renew each year ($15)
[ *** ONLY for AlBumGen v3 ]

AlbumGen V3 Cloud Backup
Buy AlbumGen Cloud Backup Now

AlBumGen v3 Cloud Renewal
Buy AlBumGen Cloud RENEWAL

Responsibility for Data

By using SoftPro’s Cloud Backup module, You acknowledge and agree to take full and sole responsibility for all files and data transferred, and to maintain all appropriate separate local backup of files and data stored on our cloud servers. SoftPro will not be responsible for any data loss of your uploaded data from your account under any circumstances. (Data loss is a rare occurrence in the cloud, but it can happen!)

SoftPro does not assume any liability whatsoever for actual, direct or indirect losses or for losses incurred due to the unavailability of use or data losses in connection with the use of SoftPro’s Cloud Backup services. It is good backup practice to have multiple backups of your data. SoftPro suggests a 3 tier backup solution.
1) Backup to your hard drive
2) Backup to a physical external drive or Flash/USB Drive
3) Cloud Backup

Should any one fail for any reason, you will have alternate methods of data recovery