We are thinking of creating a USA Precancel Database for Bureau Precancels & Town & Type Databases. If you are interested in these databases, let us know.

EzStamp USA Precancel Database Survey

USA Precancel Databases: Any interest??

  • We are contemplating building Precancel Databases for the USA, both Bureau & Town & Types. The Bureau database has about 10,000 entries & the Town & Types has about 46,000 entries. If there is enough interest, we will build it. It is a large task & will take many man hours to code & build. Lets us know if you are interested or collect USA Precancels. Please enter any Comments or suggestions below
  • Select Your Preference
  • We will likely offer the Bureau & Town & Type precancel databases as separate purchases
  • The Bureau database is keyed by Sc#. The traditional way of look-ups for the Town & Type pre-cancels is by State, Town or Type. We are contemplating making the Town & Type database to be 'looked up' by Sc#. Then you can assign the Town, Type & or State. Which do you prefer?
  • Are you a registered EzStamp user?
  • Would you like to be notified if we make the Precancel Databases available?
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